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Animated charts made easy

We make bespoke data visualisations to get your data moving.

Why Use Animated Charts?

  • Catchy Visualizations: They grab (and keep!) your audience's attention.
  • Easier Data Comprehension: Movement helps to highlight key data trends and changes.
  • Engaging Presentations: Animated charts make your reports and presentations more engaging.
  • Storytelling with Data: They tell a story beyond static numbers, making your data relatable.

Try Our Free Animated Charts

How our free charts work

1. Sign up with your email 👆

2. Choose your chart template 🎯

3. Use the menu to add your data 🗄️

4. Adjust the styling 💅

You made an awesome chart 😎


You Save Time

We have already made the charts for you. Just add your data and change the styling however you want.

On Mobile

Make charts, even when you are not at your desk.

No Excel, No Problem

You can just enter your data straight into the chart option screen.

Your Data Is Safe

We do not store any of your chart data. Close the browser or refresh and it's gone.


Want something more than our free-tier; we would ❤️ to help you with a bespoke project


Charts, maps, animations and data story-telling.

What’s included

  • Ideas, contact session
  • Your bespoke visualization/tool

Starting from

£Enquire GBP

Let's go

Invoices and receipts available for easy company reimbursement

From the blog

Chart based things that we think are interesting.

Contact Us

Get in touch? Want to send feedback? Need a chart? Let us know.